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Courses and Events

Overview of Diploma course

The pre-requirement of the course is to have completed the foundation certificate in Kinesiology. You will also need a certified ITEC Anatomy and Physiology qualification as well as a recommended nutrition course to complete your full qualification as a practitioner. These can be completed prior to or during the course.

The course will cover more in depth techniques within the electrical, chemical/ nutritional, endocrine, emotional and structural systems within the body. You will learn how to add specific techniques into your current protocol as well as work in priority to support the body.

Electrical system weekends

Ionization, meridians, bach flowers, lasers, centering

Cloacals, hyoid, magnet energy, surrogate testing

Environmental stressors, affirmations, phobias

Pulse synchronisation, music, auras and meridians

Scars, circulation sex meridian and feeling introverted

Alarm points, LUO points

Emotional/ behavioural weekends

Left/Right brain integration

Dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, autism, learning difficulties

Psychological reversal, phobias, self talk

Eye rotations/ stress release, temporal tap, affirmations

Past trauma recall, emotionally reactive memories

Chemical system weekends

Heartburn, heliobacter pylori, crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis

Diverticulitis, gastro-colic challenge

Leaky gut, arthritis, ICV and Houston Valve corrections

Gluten intolerance, allergies, blood chemistry

Drugs/ herbs, vitamins and contraindications

Riddlers points, carbohydrate intolerance tests

Salt/sugar addiction, acid/alkaline balance, histamine

Cross crawl to reduce food sensitivities, essential fatty acid testing

Toxicity in the body including heavy metals, liver/ gall bladder detoxification

Candida, homosysteine testing, folic acid testing

Endocrine system weekends

Endocrine system and hormones

GV20 and hypothalamus

Chronic fatigue and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

Pineal, parathyroid, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenals, testes and ovaries

Structural system weekends

Postural analysis, TMJ, hypertonic muscles, gaits, injury recall, dural torque

Shock absorbers, reactive muscles, retrograde and antereograde lymphatics

Hiatal hernia corrections, aerobic/ anaerobic muscle testing, ligament interlink

Disc problems, vertebral fixations and subluxations,, hidden L5 /S1 fixations

Lateral sway, wrist imbalances, joint issues in the shoulder, elbow, knees, sacrum

Pelvis faults, cranials, categories 1 , 2 and 3, blood pressure, vision, anatomical or functioning short leg

Carpal tunnel, uterine lift, occipital subluxations, strain - counter strain

Associations & Accreditations

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